Steven Treherne Reference Request

I am pursuing a career opportunity and I'm asking you, as well as several other individuals, to complete this request as a professional reference. Please complete this short (no more than 30 questions), confidential, web-based survey regarding my work behaviors. Rate each question using a 7-pt behavior extent scale, where 1=Never demonstrated this behavior and 7=Always demonstrated this behavior. When completing the survey, if you cannot answer a question based upon your observations when working with me, please make sure to click the "Not Observed" (N/O) button.

You will not be identified as having provided your individual responses because the system aggregates the feedback from all of my references to produce one summary report that is confidential in accordance with the applicable Privacy Policy.

Please note that you will be responding as an individual, not as a representative of any company or organization. Also, I have executed a legally-binding agreement that releases you, as well as any organization with which you are now affiliated or have been affiliated with in the past, from any potential liability for providing this information.

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Thank you for your time,Steven Treherne